Wednesday, February 23, 2011

But wait...there's more.

I received a really sweet e-mail today with some updates regarding the State budget issues. Ready?

Might I remind you, that if this passes, it will set the course for the 2011-2013 budget which is scheduled to be released March 1st.

Included as a result of this budget are:

  • Loss of State aid to municipalities
  • Privatized government services
  • $900 million in cuts to public K-12 schools
  • Cuts to UW schools, which will result in a 26% tuition increase
  • Loss of $46 million in federal funds for public transit services. The Federal government requires public transit workers have collective bargaining rights in order to receive funds.
  • The State will raid $28 million from Employee Trust Funds to pay for pension and health insurance until 2013. As of 2013, the State will no longer pay anything for health insurance, saving Wisconsin about $1500 per person per month.

Again....just volunteering some information. I think it's important for people to be educated before they start throwing daggers back and forth. If it turns out this way, people in the private sector will be affected just as much (unless of course, you don't use public services, such as schools/universities, public transit, and other services currently provided by the government).

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

shut. up.

I'm going to whine, and then I'm going to stop whining. My coworker posted this on her facebook page, so a lot of this is just lifted off of there, but it's all true and I'm happy she said it so I didn't have to sit and develop these thoughts on my own. It would be nice if my fellow conservatives would get their heads out of their butts and stop generalizing about all state workers in general.

What is going on in Madison not only affects teachers but hundreds of thousands of other people who work for the State in different capacities. Here is a website of 33 pages showing different departments which does not include local divisions of those same departments.

I work for the State's Unemployment division. Here is how my job is different:

  • I work year round. Furthermore, I can't request vacation during peak times because of the increased workload. Peak times, you ask? Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Years.
  • For the past 2 years, statewide we have all taken a wage reduction and unpaid furlough days. What sucks for someone in my position, is that this negatively affects me but does nothing for the State. Why? My job, although a State job, is federally funded. That's right. I bet nobody knew that. My wages are paid with Federal money, not State money. My reduction in wages makes no impact on the State's budget, whatsoever.
  • My department is one of many departments which have already implemented merit-based pay, WITH collective bargaining in place. In my job, there are Federal and State standards that have to be met in order for someone in my position to be re-classed and get a pay increase. There are legal aspects that must be satisfied in order for this to happen and it's all based on the quality and timeliness of the work that I do. This was all made possible with collective bargaining.
Am I complaining about these things? No. My job has always been this way. I am complaining about people running their mouths who know next to nothing about the people that this whole fiasco will be affecting. There are some people, like myself, who are going to get the raw end of the deal and absolutely nobody - not even the State - will benefit from it.

The misconception that we are all rich and making a crap load of money is ridiculous. Don't base your opinion on the few elite in the system. Look at the whole picture before you decide what side of the fence you are on. Yes, things must be changed here and there even with collective bargaining, but eliminating it altogether will do nothing to balance the budget.

So eat me. All of you.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

In Solidarity

This was written by Tracy Fuller, Executive Board President of the Wisconsin Law Enforcement Association.

February 16th, 2011:

I am going to make an effort to speak for myself, and every member of the Wisconsin State Patrol when I say this.

I value the Capital Police, and the UW Police. I value all of the police communications officers of all the agencies in our union, and the State Troopers, and the inspectors of the State Patrol. I value “all” of the support staff of all the agencies around the state. I don’t know how any of us could function without any of us around the state. We all need each other.

I value the Bureau of Field Services, field agents of Local Three, no less than any of the other members of the union. I am here for every member of this union and always thought I had been until this week.

I specifically regret the endorsement of the Wisconsin Trooper’s Association for Governor Scott Walker. I regret the governor’s decision to “endorse” the troopers and inspectors of the Wisconsin State Patrol. I regret being the recipient of any of the perceived benefits provided by the governor’s anointing.

I think everyone’s job and career is just as significant as the others. Everyone’s family is just as valuable as mine or any other person’s, especially mine. Everyone’s needs are just as valuable. We are all great people.


I haven't posted for a while. It has been like, a week. Ha! Luckily, I haven't lost my phone again. Hooray! It has been a weird week though, and I'm glad that it's over, and I hope that it's not so bad going forward.

As you recall, I had taken a Friday off to go shopping and then I lost my phone. It was a great shopping day and a great day with my best friends. The following Monday (last Monday) I only worked a half-day because I had to head down to our state capital for some stupid work thing. I work for the state, so that's where everything else is centrally located. I love it down there, but only if I'm going for fun. Going for work sucks, because it's crowded, busy, and I'm there for a boring reason. So I went down there Monday afternoon, sat through the most boring day of my life on Tuesday, and returned home on Tuesday night. I then went to work Wednesday and that's when everything just fell apart. My case load is out of control. Being gone for nearly three days didn't help because everything was late and I didn't have the time to catch up. So Wednesday and Thursday were spent playing catch-up and not getting far, and then Friday I left at 12:45 because I couldn't take it anymore. I have this upcoming Monday off for a furlough day. I really haven't been at work much, yet I still have my 40 hours in and have nothing to show for it. Lameness. I hate getting behind on my work, but whatever. I give up.

Along with all of that, this is the week that the governor of my state has unveiled his plan to pretty much change everything in terms of state jobs and collective bargaining rights. I'm still not entirely positive what the point is. I understand we may have a deficit and I understand the need to make certain sacrifices to help eliminate that. I don't mind paying more for health care or paying more into my pension. Sure, whatever. Even doing that, this job is still better than any job I've ever had and I'm fine. But to eliminate collective bargaining altogether doesn't make any sense. I don't see how it would help the budget. And it won't. It will, however, give him the opportunity to pass additional bills going forward which would continue to negatively affect state employees. Of course, nobody knows what they are, but we're all assuming it's going to be something devastating because he doesn't want to give us the opportunity to fight anything or negotiate. It's a bit unsettling. As a result, the protests started on Wednesday and I got to be down there to witness this joyous occasion, my office being just down the street from the capital building. I left Wednesday afternoon but apparently it has only gotten worse. Several school districts throughout the state have closed school for three days in a row as a result of teachers not showing up for work in order to protest this bill, among other things. I don't blame them. But this political upheaval is stressing me out and every so often I get worried when I think about how my job will be affected if the bill passes, which it probably will. Despite the fact that all of the democrat senators have left the state and didn't show up to vote on the bill on Thursday. I question how long this is going to go on and be dragged out and what the outcome will be. Maybe it will go on for an entire year and then the governor will be recalled and it won't be an issue. I don't believe that though.

I'll be the first to say that I'm conservative and always vote republican. But I don't agree with what this guy is doing. Even if the outcome was the same, it would be nice if he would explain himself and allow people to have a voice. He's not doing that. He's acting like a father parenting a 4-year old. "You will do this. Because I said so." That's not the way to treat the people you govern. And my fellow republicans continue to spout off things saying, "It's about time state workers were brought down to our level" and "if I can't have your benefits then you shouldn't be able to have them either" and so on and so forth. So, you want everyone to be at the same level altogether? I've heard of that in the past and I think it's called communism. It didn't work either. Obviously there's more to communism than that, but come on. Seriously. If you want a state job with all the benefits, here you go. Apply for one. Certain jobs have certain benefits. Frankly, I don't make that much money. If I did, I sure wouldn't be renting a two-bedroom townhouse, among other things. When it comes down to it, when it comes to hardcore conservatives, unless this directly affects them, they don't think it's a big deal. Wait until he does something that hits your wallets. Then you can talk. I don't even know why I am bitching about this because it's a losing battle. Nobody seems to see it this way unless they are being affected by it or unless they hold liberal views altogether. Now the news is saying that state workers are offering concessions, saying that they're fine with paying extra for their benefits and pensions but just don't want the unions diminished. Nice for that to come out in the news NOW, a week later, considering the fact that they were saying that from day one. Whatever. I give up.

In any case, among all of this political unrest, I've decided to just let the whole thing stop bothering me. I have no control over what happens. And to sit around and worry about things that may or may not happen isn't good for me. Frankly, regardless, I feel that no matter what happens, God remains in control of everything when all is said and done. I'm sure He's sitting up there looking down and shaking his head in disgust over everyone's behavior.

I have faith that things will be fine, or at least me and my family will be fine, regardless of what happens.

"He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20

"Now faith is being sure of things we hope for, and certain of what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1

Sunday, February 13, 2011

stalking my phone. and you.

  • I went window shopping on Friday for baby stuff. Then I ended up starting a registry at Babies R Us. Then I bought some baby clothes. I have no self control.
  • I lost my phone. I looked everywhere. I couldn't find it. I asked my friends to look in their cars. They said they did and couldn't find them. I couldn't find it in my house. Or my car. So I called the phone company and had them put a restriction on it in case some freak had it. I didn't want it being used by some weirdo. I was mad though because all of my contacts are on there along with my pictures and...a lot of things. I was mad.
  • But then, Husband discovered the GPS function. It's an extra $5 a month which we don't need, so he signed up for a free trial in order to find my phone and then he'll cancel it before the 15 days are up. It found my phone! In the back seat of my friend's car! It showed us a map and I recognized the area as the Starbucks parking lot. I knew it was in her car because I knew she was there that day. That building off to the left is Starbucks.
  • She gave me a hard time, saying it was creepy. Well what was I supposed to do? Buy a new phone? I never would have found it otherwise because she said she already looked. Now it's this huge joke that we bugged her car and are following her everywhere. Or is it? Maybe we did!!
  • We had to go to the hospital the same day to visit Husband's grandma. We happened to see a car in the parking lot that belonged to our friends. We thought maybe something was wrong seeing as they were at the hospital. She's pregnant, so I became all paranoid of course since she isn't due yet. Husband texted her husband asking if everything was okay since they were at the hospital. Apparently they were taking some birthing class. But I'm guessing they thought it was creepy that we knew they were there and they hadn't told us. Know how we can avoid things like this? Avoid living in a small town. Tempting.
  • I made pancakes.
  • I was going to get a manicure today, but I'm going to wait until next payday. It's only $20, but Husband and I are going to go out for dinner tonight (since I won't be home on Valentine's Day), and we're kind of tight with money right now. I could get a manicure, but then we wouldn't be able to go out for supper. Oh well.
  • I don't have much else to say. I had a baby appointment yesterday. Heart rate was 146bpm. We'll find out if it's a boy or a girl on March 3rd. I can't wait!! :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

pregnancy symptoms

Someone mentioned I should keep track of my pregnancy symptoms. Why? I don't know. Maybe because she thinks it's funny. :) Or, maybe it'd be helpful for other people. Also, it's nice to look back and remember, "Oh yeah, I remember that. That was really super. I loved having cramps in my left butt cheek for extended lengths of time!"

So, some things I've experienced to date.

  • Nausea - This started two weeks before my missed period and didn't let up until I was around 13 weeks pregnant. No joke, I was nauseous all day long. It was horrible. I didn't take medication for it. I just dealt with it. Nothing helped.
  • Dizzy spells - This was an early symptom, and one of the first things that made me know I was pregnant. It happened both times. I'd get dizzy spells for no reason, mainly at night. It wasn't low blood sugar or lack of water. It was...well, I don't know what it was. It was me bring pregnant.
  • Dry heaving (YEAH!!) - This went along with the nausea. Sometimes I still get it, usually after I brush my teeth in the morning, along with the excess saliva. I don't know if it's because of the toothpaste or what. Nausea usually follows, and I'm currently at 15 weeks. I don't like it.
  • Heartburn/acid reflux - Disgusting. The pregnancy hormones relax the ring between your esophagus and stomach (which normally stays closed to prevent stuff from your stomach coming up), which causes a lot of great things. Mainly, stomach acid comes back up causing heartburn and it sucks. For me, drinking milk helped and so did eating Tums. But I think Tums are gross. Drinking water didn't help. Eating bland food helped. If this is happening to you, stay away from acidic food because it will only make it worse. You might have to sleep upright too.
  • Headaches - I haven't had many of these. Just a few, and they've been pretty bad. I find that staying hydrated helps.
  • Mild cramping/pulling on the sides and lower areas of my abdomen - This has subsided for the most part, but I still get it now and then. It's nothing to worry about. The ligaments that hold up your uterus stretch as your uterus grows, so this is referred to round ligament pain. It's totally normal, but you should call your doctor if you're concerned about any cramping or anything that has you bending over in pain.
  • Dry mouth - usually in the mornings, probably because I'm dehydrated.
  • Excessive saliva (eww) - this usually comes along with the nausea and makes it worse. See the above comment about brushing my teeth.
  • Constipation - this hasn't been terrible. Staying hydrated and eating a lot of fiber helps, but not always. It's pretty normal, unfortunately.
  • Diarrhea - same as above.
  • Mood swings - Unfortunately for my husband, this probably won't go away anytime soon. I've noticed that it has tapered off slightly since the first trimester. I think it was worse initially because of the sharp increase in hormones. But, this is normal too. Try not to be irrational. Then again, that's next to impossible. I can't even begin to tell you what I've gotten upset or cried about. It's a losing battle.
  • Dry, itchy skin - Use lotion. Drink water. That's all I can say!
  • Pretty hair - My hair doesn't fall out in the shower anymore. It's long and thick and shiny and I love it! I did have to go and get it thinned out because it was becoming unmanageable due to it growing so fast and not falling out. That's okay with me. This has been a great thing.
  • Stuffiness/congestion - This started about a month into the pregnancy and has not stopped. And, it probably won't. Every morning my nose is stuffed up and I'm sneezing. It might be partially because it's winter, but this is super common in pregnancy, known as "rhinitis of pregnancy." It will go away after you have the baby.
  • To go along with the above, nose bleeds - Oh joy! I haven't had anything bad; usually just when I blow my nose. But it can be worse for some other people. What helps is having a vaporizer in your room (especially if it's in the winter time). Don't confuse this with a cold water humidifier. You need an actual vaporizer. It prevents bacteria from being spewed into the air from whatever is in the water. Get one, it helps a lot, and you feel better.
  • Hot flashes - This started recently. Up through the first trimester, I was always cold. Now I find myself kicking the covers off at night.
  • Feeling cold - See above. I was freezing. Our heating bill sky rocketed. Then again, it has been a very cold winter, but I haven't been feeling as cold lately.
  • Lower back pain - This happens if I sit for too long. I have a desk job, and I find if I don't get up regularly, my lower back and tailbone hurt really badly. Going to a chiropractor on a regular basis has helped a ton.
  • Shoulder/neck pain - Usually if I'm not sleeping right. Good pillows and a good bed are really important. And a good husband to rub you. :)
  • Patulous Eustachian Disorder - This has been the star of the show recently. I thought something was wrong with me because my left ear has been acting like I'm in an airplane...and it has felt that way for nearly two weeks now. It's like I'm walking around with a bucket on my head. If I turn my head all the way to the left, or if I press on my neck, or hang my head upside down, or lay down, it goes away. I can't function that way though. My ears feel so stuffed up, and the doctor said that they appear clear and not swollen or infected. So they can do nothing for me. Here's a better explanation of this symptom, which is apparently common in pregnancy for some people. Sorry if you have it. It blows.
  • Lack of appetite - first trimester. Usually because of nausea. I ate plain pasta and that was it for several weeks.
  • Being really hungry - Now I'm hungry, but can't think of what I want to eat half the time.
  • Weird cravings - I haven't had a ton of specific cravings lately. Usually, I want something and I get it, and then the craving never comes back. Except for my craving for meat lately, mainly cheeseburgers. Even that is starting to taper off though. I haven't told my husband. I think it might make him sad.
  • Fatigue - This isn't as bad now, but it was pretty bad during the first trimester. I felt like I couldn't get enough sleep. Now, I find myself tired in the mornings and at the end of the day, but I'm usually able to get through a full work day without a problem.
  • Insomnia - This comes and goes. Taking Benadryl before bed helps me stay sleeping, and that has been okay with my doctor. But, you should make sure it's okay before you do that. Also, getting up to pee every two hours doesn't help much. Sometimes I'll wake up at 2am and can't get back to sleep. It's not fun!
  • Leg/butt cramps - Occasionally (like last night) I will get cramps in the back of my thigh and up to my butt cheek. Stretching sometimes helps, but it didn't last night. I slept with my legs elevated and was able to get some rest, but it's still hurting. If Husband wasn't gone this weekend, he would rub it and it would feel better. I'm going to see if eating a banana might help, because maybe I'm lacking potassium. Drinking water helps too. But, unfortunately, sometimes there's nothing you can do. I've heard a warm bath helps, but I haven't tried that.
  • Bleeding/spotting - usually light pink or brown, and for some people red. I have not experienced this. I did experience it with my first pregnancy, but that doesn't count because I was miscarrying. So, if this is happening to you, it would be good to tell your doctor. It can be pretty common, especially in the first trimester, and usually okay. Sometimes it happens shortly after implantation, known as implantation bleeding, after the embryo has burrowed itself into the side of your uterus. A friend of mine had it in the second trimester, and it turned out to be from her round ligaments stretching (she was fine). But if it's bright red and includes tissue, that's not good. You should always call your doctor anytime you have bleeding just to make sure it's okay.
  • Bleeding gums - I have not experienced this, but this is common, too. Your gums become sensitive and swollen and will bleed when you brush or floss. No fun, but nothing to worry about.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

motherhood in the animal kingdom

I left work early. Something is funked up with my eustachian tube in my left ear. Apparently, it's staying open, and that's not supposed to happen. When it does, it makes you feel like you are on an airplane. I can hear myself breathing and talking and it sounds funny and it's annoying. It goes away if I turn my head all the way to the left, if I press on my neck, or if I lay down. I went to the doctor for it and he said that it will have to fix itself. It's common in pregnancy and I don't know why but I'm angry. :(

On another note, I got this email titled "motherhood in the animal kingdom" so I thought I'd share.

On the riverbank...

In the arctic....

In Africa....

In the jungle....

In the ocean....

Somewhere near a Wal-Mart....

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I apologize for not saying much lately. Honestly, I've been really tired and haven't been inspired to say a whole lot. But nonetheless, I figured I had better come up with something.

A few days ago, Fred screamed into my ear. Like right into my ear. My ear was ringing for a couple of hours. Now, and since then, my left ear sounds like it's under water or something. If that makes sense. I'm really getting annoyed because I can't hear very well. It isn't good.

I've been drinking a lot of rootbeer lately. Rootbeer and chocolate. And eating burgers. It's a vicious cycle.

Here are a few interesting search keywords that people have used and stumbled upon my blog lately. Haha!
  • femullet
  • what consistency for italian meringue for icing cupcakes
  • why would lemonade that taste like glue
  • dinosaur ultrasound
  • boobs compare with coconut
  • coconut made breasts bigger
  • dreams about a friend cleaning up my poop
  • old people who ate coconut
  • my butt goes numb when i spin bike?
  • bike spinning and migraine
I'm learning that a lot of people like to search for things involving boobs and coconut together, and that kind of disturbs me. Freaks.

Husband has a night class tonight, so I'm stuck by myself. It's okay though, because I have the American Idol auditions. You know, it isn't as funny as it used to be. Either that, or I'm just totally over it. I don't even know why I watch it.

Oh wait, yes I do. So I can see things like this: