- Return the phone call to my lactation consultant that I missed on Friday
- Make Sofie's 1-month checkup appointment
- Get more than one nap in
- Eat toast with peanut butter and blueberries and yogurt
- Take Sofie to work to visit Husband and meet coworkers
Husband then called and I asked him if it would be a good idea to bring her. He said he didn't think so. He said it was too soon to be taking her places other than her doctor's appointments. That, and the weather is gross. Humid and hot and hazy and gross. So after hanging up, I contemplated bringing her anyway, thinking that it'd be fine, I'm her mom, I'll take care of her and we won't stay too long. She then proceeded to spit up breast milk all over herself. And her entire outfit. And her lounge pillow. So, I guess that was her way of telling me no, therefore it's two against one, and we're staying home.
I got her changed. We snuggled. She fell asleep. I put her down for a nap. I then went and returned the phone call to the lactation lady and also called and made a 1-month appointment for Sofie with the pediatrician. Then I ate my yummy lunch. I came back upstairs to still find her sound asleep. I feel like I won a prize or something. Like I should try and get that second nap in right now. Maybe we can go and visit husband next week.
Tomorrow a nurse is coming to my house to check up on me and the baby and see how we are doing....to make sure we made the transition alright. She'll probably want to talk about breast feeding and see how that's going too. She'll probably want to watch me breast feed Sofie and check my latch. Do you know how many people have seen my boobs? Almost as many people who have seen me naked within the past two weeks, and that's a lot, and I've lost count. I don't even care anymore. Whoever comes to my house to visit runs the risk of seeing my boobs. I'll never whip them out in public or anything, but at home, all bets are off. Since I live here and all. I wonder if that's weird.
Wednesday I don't think we have anything going on. Thursday Sofie gets her newborn photos taken so we get to go and do that. That should be fun, I hope. I get nervous thinking about it because I worry she'll poop or pee on something. She probably will. I'm guessing the photographer is prepared for this type of mishap. Knowing my baby, she'll probably crap on something white and fluffy, like a sheepskin rug or something. Her poop is nothing to take lightly. Her poop is officially breast milk poop and when she poops you can hear it splattering in her diaper. It's pretty nasty. It doesn't smell like regular poop, which is good, but it's still kind of raunchy and it looks like the color of mustard and has the texture of...nevermind. I'm not going to make this entire blog entry about her poop. But I feel like her poop has become a pretty big part of my life considering the fact that she poops so much. She sharts, too. I'm not sure if this will embarrass her later on, but I will be sure to incorporate it into a conversation with her first boyfriend.
In other news, I can see my feet. As in, the actual shape of my feet. Not to be confused with not being able to see my feet at ALL while pregnant. What I mean, is that my feet are no longer swollen. I hope I'm not jinxing myself. But I can see my ankles now, and all the bones in my feet again. They look normal and cute, not swollen and fat, and my shoes fit! I'm fricken excited. It's amazing - I just woke up this morning and there they were. Now, they do start to swell a bit if I'm on them for too long, but this is still a step in the right direction. Hooray!
I ordered some nursing bras and they should be here by Wednesday. I hope that the breast pump I ordered will also be here soon. I haven't had issues with engorgement since the other day. It's like the baby knew I was in pain and decided to help me by putting herself on a 3-hour eating schedule. Like clockwork, she wakes up and wants to eat every three hours now. It has only been a couple of days, but at least there's some consistency starting. Also, I don't have to feel guilty for not waking her up to eat. I was told by the nurses at the hospital and the pediatrician that I should be waking her up if she goes more than three hours without a feeding. There is a reason why people say never wake a sleeping baby. I tried that once and it was the worst decision I had ever made. Husband and I were up all night with her. Good thing it was on a Friday night and not a night where he had to get up early and work the next day. She was just irate. So I let her sleep now. And if she wants to sleep for longer than 4 hours, I check to see if she's breathing and if she is, I leave her alone. She didn't even want to eat when I woke her up that time. She got made and crapped her diaper.
I should have titled this entry, "Boobs and Poop."
At least you got the picture in before she spit up!