Then I had a baby. I foolishly thought that I would be able to keep up all that other stuff while raising a baby. It's because I watch TV shows, like Desperate Housewives. But now I realize that Bree Van de Kamp isn't real.
There was this one episode where one house wife/stay at home mom couldn't figure out how another house wife/stay at home mom was able to raise her kids and keep a tidy house and have home cooked meals and baked goods on the table every night all while still getting the shopping and other errands done AND making her kids' costumes for the school play.
Turns out the woman was stealing her kid's ADHD medication.
Well, despite the fact that I have convinced my primary care physician to write me prescriptions for dextroamphetamine, I'm still not able to find the time to do all of the stuff I used to do. My house is a mess, and all-in-one skillet meals have taken the place of homemade lasagna and baked ziti. I did, however, manage to throw a roast together the other day along with potatoes. But to be fair, I used a slow cooker and was half-asleep after dragging my butt out of bed at 5am to hurry up and do it before the baby woke up and before I had to get ready for work. I was in my underwear. And Husband did the potatoes. It really wasn't much work at all since it took 5 minutes to dump everything in the pot and press the button, and then go to work for the day.
I miss being able to do that stuff.
So I made cookies today. To be fair, I've let everything else go. In fact, I'm not even home. I'm at my parents house, house-sitting for the day while they pick my brother up from the airport. Sofia is napping in her swing. I made cookies. From scratch. Not from the tube of cookie dough. I also took a shower, and I didn't rush. Baby is still sleeping. :)
I can't find my camera. So here's a grainy picture from my crappy cell phone.
They are delicious and you will get to cook again it just has to take a backseat to Sofia and in the long run it's just food anyway....