She only woke up once. Hey, that's good, right? I tried to get her to just go back to sleep on her own. Then I tried her nuk. She became irate and after an hour of this I fed her and she was fine. I don't care if her doctor says that she can go through the night without eating. If my baby is hungry, she's going to eat.
She didn't poop today. I anticipate a huge Thanksgiving blowout tomorrow when we're at her grandma and grandpa's house (Husband's parents). She did that yesterday at daycare because the day before she didn't poop. What gives? I think it has to do with her starting to eat cereal now. Her tummy has to get used to it. I had two onesies on her yesterday and her poop exploded through both.
So what are you thankful for this holiday season?
I am thankful for stain remover.
I'm also thankful for Zumba. I'm having fun. Although tonight the instructor called in "sick." I put that in quotations because I don't believe she is sick. Load of crap. So some other instructor who doesn't do Zumba did her best to throw together some cardio fusion thing which made me tired but wasn't as fun. But it was still nice of her to stay and teach another class when I'm sure she wanted to go home.
I've quietly become acquainted with the gym again. I only go twice a week. It's literally all I have time for right now. Husband is great and takes care of Sofia while I go. Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:30pm-7:30pm I have a Zumba class that I attend. It's fine. It's all I can handle until I start to get in shape again. I'm in so much pain. I'm so happy that I don't have to walk up stairs to leave afterward. My gym is in the basement of a strip mall. Classy huh?! It's great. It's a pretty sweet place actually. In any case, at least they have escalators. Because for someone to expect me to walk up a flight of stairs immediately after an hour of fist pumping and squatting while shaking my butt around like Carmen Miranda....walk up stairs? I don't think so. The escalator scares me as it is. I am so exhausted and out of it by the time I leave that I am worried I'll pass out and fall. Did I ever talk about my irrational fear of the escalator? Every time... EVERY time I get on the escalator and it takes me up, I hold the moving railing. I am so paranoid about losing my balance and falling. Because do you realize what would happen if i fell down the escalator while it was moving up, in the opposite direction? I'd fall forever. Unless someone stopped the escalator. It'd be like a death treadmill.
I have a large Canadian audience. I was looking at my stats and I'm amazed at how many people from Canada read my blog. I don't even know anyone from Canada. I think that's great. Hey, Canadians! I think your national anthem sounds better than mine.
Back to Sofia. Apparently she rolls over now. All the way. From back to tummy and tummy to back. She also loves it. She thinks it's great. I haven't seen it. I heard it from the daycare lady today. She has been doing it all week long. I posted this on Facebook already. But I'll say it again. What other milestone will I miss? Probably all of them since she spends 40 hours per week away from me. I'm sad. I'm happy she's growing and so happy she is developing so well. I'm so proud of her. I just wish I could be around to see it. This whole working-mom thing comes with so many sacrifices. I keep saying we need to win the lottery so that I can stay home and not have to worry about money. I don't know why it hasn't happened yet.
Look at this cutie. I can't get enough of her. I'm so lucky! She makes me so happy!!!
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