I'm on bed rest for a couple of days. I had my 34 week appointment today. My blood pressure is still slightly high and my midwife doesn't like it. It was totally normal until I hit 27 weeks. Since then it has been consistently above normal. They are calling it "pregnancy induced hypertension" or "gestational hypertension." It's annoying. I thought I had been doing everything right, drinking water, watching my salt intake, drinking soy milk (yes, this helps your blood pressure). I've been checked for protein in the urine each time and each time it came back totally negative. Even when I got sick back in April and had to stay overnight in the hospital, they checked and it was fine. But now that we're in the last few week stretch, she wants to make sure I'm not developing pre-eclampsia. So I'm on bed rest until I hear from her Sunday. Also, for the next 24 hours, I get to collect my pee in a giant orange jug which I keep in my fridge and then I have to turn it into the lab tomorrow. This entails me peeing in this plastic hat thing that I put in my toilet and then proceeding to pour my pee into the jug. Gross. Going to the bathroom is becoming a chore because I have to go downstairs, get the jug, go back upstairs, pee, put the pee in the jug, rinse out the hat, go back downstairs and put the jug in the fridge. The fact that it has to be refrigerated grosses me out. The whole thing grosses me out. We could have kept a cooler in the bathroom with ice but that's too much work and we don't even have a cooler. The jug is really tall so it won't fit in the fridge unless I put it in the side of the door, which meant I had to move the bbq sauce and the ketchup to make room for the pee jug. I can't wait until this is done and I hope I don't have to do this pee thing again.
I'm sorry, but I don't want to take a picture of the pee jug. It's big and orange and it has my name on it and it's filling up with my pee.
If they find that the test comes back abnormal, it means bed rest for the remainder of the pregnancy. Which means I have to go on early maternity leave from work, which is not something I want to do because I didn't plan on going for at least another month. Husband starts a new job on July 11th (at my office..heeeheehee!!) so if I can at least ride this out until then, it would be much easier on us financially. I also feel bad for Husband because if I go on bed rest, he has even more on his shoulders as I would be unable to help him with anything. He already does so much. Look, he put together Sofie's changing table. He's so handy! I have to buy a changing pad. And some baskets to put in the cubby holes. He took these pictures.
The cat thinks that all of the new things we are getting belong to her.

And this is from before...

Sofie gave me a scare yesterday. Yesterday morning, I was concerned because I hadn't felt her move much since the day before. I went into the clinic and they hooked me up to the fetal monitor. Heartbeat was good but she was being lazy. So they had me drink some apple juice. Apparently that's all it took for her to start moving around and being silly. It's okay Sofie, I like apple juice, too. :)
She's still measuring ahead, at 37 weeks. My midwife felt her today and estimated her at around 5 pounds. I have (another) ultrasound scheduled for the week after next to check her growth. Depending on how that goes, she may get an eviction notice at 39 weeks. The due date may be off somewhat which would explain her measuring ahead since I don't have gestational diabetes and don't have a history of big babies in our family. I know I was a week early, and was 8lbs at birth. My mom said that she knew I would be early because she felt the doctors were wrong on her due date. A mother always knows. I hit the jackpot on ultrasounds for this pregnancy. And my insurance has covered all of them. Most people only get one. I bet they'll get a 3D one this time so maybe I can see what her face looks like!
All will be well. I'm betting that I'll get a call Sunday telling me I don't have pre-e and to just make sure I'm staying hydrated and watching my sodium. Sofie, be good! 6 more weeks and you can come out. :)
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