As a kid, I always had to find out what I was getting for Christmas. I'd always find the gifts. Then my parents got smart and hid them somewhere other than in our house. Then I got smart and went through their wallets and looked at the receipts.
In college, I couldn't wait for my grades like everyone else. I had to know what I got on my papers as soon as they were graded. My professors always complied. How could they not? I was standing outside their office. Back then I thought it made me look as though I was assertive and motivated and excited about my grades. Looking back, it was probably annoying to them.
I couldn't possibly wait to find out whether I was having a girl or a boy. I was mad when 13 weeks was too early to tell on the ultrasound. So when 19 weeks came along, I was super excited to find out. I wish I was one of those people who could just wait and be surprised, but it's not in my nature. It is who I am.
Apparently this baby can't wait either. She wants out now. I don't know why. She's not missing much. We'll be 36 weeks next week. I'd like her to wait until we are 37 weeks. I want her to be healthy. But she wants to come now. So thanks little girl, I'm back on bed rest to keep you in there. I have been really uncomfortable lately but nothing I can't handle. Figured it was normal. Even the occasional contraction, I felt was normal. But today on the monitor, it showed consistent contractions, 1 minute long, 2 minutes apart. Seriously? My midwife checked my cervix and I am around 2 centimeters dilated and 50% effaced. This can mean nothing though. People dilate and efface weeks before they go into labor. But with these contractions, things could progress quickly if it doesn't slow down. So I'm going to focus on resting, staying hydrated, and taking a nice warm bath in hopes that they slow down and go away. If it gets worse though and they start to become longer and more painful, I'm going to have to call the hospital and probably go in. They won't stop her either. We're late enough that we can handle it, but I don't want her to come yet. Husband hasn't put her dresser together yet. In fact, it hasn't even been delivered yet. And her nursery is in shambles.
The dresser is here. Husband is putting it together now. :)
It's going to be business as usual, with a bit more resting than I have been doing. I probably need to stay away from shopping trips and spending a lot of time on my feet. That's okay. So what else is new. I just got off the phone with a friend of mine and we think that a 4th of July baby would be great. That would put her right around 37 weeks which would be fine. And she'd have fireworks and a big party every year for her birthday!
A few other things going through my mind:
- Does this mean I have to stop having sex?
- I'm afraid to go poop now. I mean, if I didn't even know I was having these contractions, who's to say I won't be clueless when I'm in actual progressive labor? Super paranoid.
- I'm craving Starbucks like no tomorrow. But caffeine is now officially off limits. There's always decaf though...hmm....
- I have trouble with my bathtub. I can't get out of it when I sit in it. I'll be going to my parents house tonight to utilize their hot tub. Don't worry - my dad turned it down to 98 degrees so Sofie doesn't get cooked.
- Whenever she comes, I'm excited to have the baby. I'm excited to not have heartburn anymore. I'm excited to try being a vegetarian again. I'm excited to lose weight!!!! I'm excited to kiss her.
- But I will miss feeling her little kicks. Or big kicks, lately.
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