Wednesday, May 5, 2010



Thanks for stopping. Good to meet you.

I'm your typical late 20-something girl. I live in the upper mid-west. I'm married. I'm a working professional by day, pseudo-housewife by evening, weekend yoga pants-wearer.

I'm okay domestically most of the time. Sometimes have to run a load of wash more than once because I forget to throw it in the dryer and then it smells musty. Now that my husband and I have moved into a new townhouse, we don't have a washer and dryer, so I slum it at the laundromat or I sneak over to my parents house and use their laundry room. Shh.

I'm semi-Italian and the rest of me is a mixed breed of Pacific Islander and Norwegian. I could be any number of nationalities depending on who is making the assumptions. I have a temper, dark hair and olive skin, and long thick hair; so, I tend to rely heavily on my Sicilian ancestry when people ask me where I may have originated from. It's the most believable.

My day job consists of working for the government in the state that I live, and that's about all I'll say about my job.

My passion is cooking, and baking, and making things. I knit. I sew, sort of. And I hand-wash all of my lingerie.

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