Thursday, September 30, 2010

10 in 10.

I love this cactus garden that I have. I'm trying to decide if I should bring it to work or just bring it inside when it gets cold.

The Office starts in 15 minutes. So does Project Runway. Project Runway and The Office will both be on demand; however, Project Runway on demand allows me to pause and rewind. The Office does not, because NBC sucks and they force me to sit through advertising. I don't get it. In any case, I will watch The Office and allow myself to miss the first half hour of Project Runway because I will still have a whole hour left and I can always watch the first 30 minutes in a couple of days when it's available. So, a few things before I go watch prime time TV.

1.) I wish Facebook would stop it with the friend recommendations. I hated that girl in high school, and (trust me) I've already spied on her page. Like me, she got fat. Unlike me, she had two ugly kids. Yes, I went there.

2.) I'm glad that I have unlimited texting on my phone. I'd hate to see my bill otherwise.

3.) "Holla" is a stupid word.

4.) American Idol needs to end and not have another season. Enough already. All I care about are the auditions and even those aren't as funny because they don't show very many of them.

5.) I really want to get a pedicure.

6.) ADD and/or ADHD may possibly be over-diagnosed; however, I'm really happy that my doctor prescribes me Adderall. Not only does it help me concentrate, but it's a great appetite suppressant.

7.) I think drive-thru anything is ghetto. Get out of your car and go inside. Unless you are me, and it's 7:30 in the morning, and you are on your way to work and running late but still really need a soy latte. That's the only time it's okay.

8.) I sang karaoke only once in my life. I was 21. It was at The View on Lake Wissota. I sang the Britney Spears version of "I Love Rock & Roll." I haven't set foot in that place since.

9.) I'm 5'5" and wear a size 9 shoe. I don't think that I have big feet. I really don't.

10.) I refuse to attend my high school reunion. It's the weekend immediately following Thanksgiving. My husband would rather go hunting than go with me, and I'd rather stay home and bake a pie and watch reruns of 3,000 Kids and Counting.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Things that make you go....aww.

I want to introduce you to my pets.

There are 5 animals in my life.

There is a bird. He's a Sun Conure. A small parrot. His name is Fred. He enjoys eating walnuts and almonds, screaming like a crow, and taking baths.

There is a black cat named Salem. He enjoys climbing trees and getting tree sap stuck to his butt.

There is a small ferrel-looking cat named Kola. She enjoys eating mushy food, people-watching, and sleeping. She doesn't like diversity or cats that are black.

There is a gray cat named Taz. He enjoys head-butting and books.

There is also a Siberian Husky, named Max. He enjoys eating cheese. He also enjoys walking. He also gets excited about car rides and going to the park.

Fred the bird and Salem the cat are my pets. I own them. Taz belongs to my mom and lives with my parents, respectively. Max is the family dog and also lives with them. Kola is technically my brother's cat, but she lives with me. Salem is my cat, but lives with my parents. This is where it gets complicated.

So technically, Kola is my brother's cat. But I'm her primary caretaker. I hope he never asks for her back, because I love her dearly. Also, she and my husband have struck up a secret love affair. Not in a gross way....sick. But she loves him. She follows him everywhere, and he doesn't know, but I hear him talk to her when I'm not even in the room.

Look at this. If this isn't love, then I don't know what is. Please click on this picture. You have to see her face.

Before Kola came to live with us, my husband and I lived in a small apartment. We actually weren't allowed to have pets. I wanted a cat though. So we went to the Humane Society and looked at cats. I wanted a black cat. I'll talk about my reasons for that some other time. For now, just know that I wanted one. I went on to search for a black cat in the area. I found this guy. At the time, his name was Marx. Who names their cat Marx? This cat was not a communist. We went and looked at Marx and decided to adopt him. We had a 24-hour waiting period before they would let us have him. That's okay though. It gave us time to figure out a way to lie about our living situation. Since we were renting, we had to show the Humane Society that we had approval from our landlord to have a cat. But we couldn't have a cat. So we gave them the address of my husband's friend and told them that my husband's friend was our landlord. Then we called my husband's friend and told him that the Humane Society was going to be calling him. We asked him to confirm that he was our landlord and that it was okay for us to have a cat. I don't know why he went along with it, but he did. He didn't really understand what was going on until after the fact. In any case, we were able to take Marx home and I changed his name to Salem.

The first night was a disaster. We had nowhere to put the litter box so we put it in the laundry room which was right off of our bedroom. We learned that Salem doesn't like to bury his poop and his poop smells like a dead animal. I almost died when the smell woke me up. We then decided to move the litter box into the bathroom, which was fine. A few days went by, and then disaster struck. We came to find that Salem meows a lot. His meow doesn't sound like a meow. It sounds like a dog howling. We also came to find that while we were gone all day every day, all he did was sit and howl. You could hear him from the parking lot of our building. There's no way we could have kept him because the landlord would have found out from the maintenance guy who was over there on a regular basis. We talked to my parents and asked them if they could just hang onto Salem for a few days until we could figure out what to do. They agreed.

Salem got settled in nicely and my parents enjoyed having him there. Kola, however, did not. I did not know that animals were racist, but sometimes they are. Just like people. I know she hates him because he's black and I find that to be disheartening because I don't feel that we have led by that example. She'd scream obscenities at him when he was clear across the room. It got to the point where my parents couldn't handle it. So we took her, temporarily, to our apartment. That proved to be not only a good temporary fix, but a permanent one as well. Kola loved having her own space. No longer having to compete with food or have her butt sniffed by Max, she was free to live in her own penthouse apartment. After much discussion, we decided we'd keep her and my parents would keep Salem. He was happy with the other animals, and he enjoyed climbing trees in the back yard. Kola enjoys her space and quiet time, and she doesn't make any noise.

It's drama, I tell you. We've since moved and we still have Kola. She is happy and never tries to run away like she did before.

I love having pets. It's nice to have a dog or cat to snuggle. It's also cute to snuggle with Fred. Birds do snuggle. They are fluffy. Fred is fluffy, and he takes a bath every afternoon. Here he is taking a bath today.

Texas Caviar? Yes, please.

Texas Caviar. Cowboy Caviar. I don't know - it can be both.

I was first introduced to this stuff by my mom who got the recipe from a friend. How one can go through life without making this at least a dozen times is beyond me. It's like hearing that someone has never seen a sunset, or held a puppy, or felt true love!! You haven't lived until you make this and eat it. Plus, it's healthier than bean dip.

I had a recipe. A friend of mine also gave me a recipe. I now have neither. I think the one I originally had was lost a while ago, and the one my friend gave me is actually in my e-mail at work. So, I made this based on what I remembered and what sounded good, and also, I was lazy and didn't want to chop a bunch of stuff. Here it is.

Texas Caviar (or Cowboy Caviar, or Sweet Bean Salsa....)

You'll need one can each of:

Pinto beans
Black beans

White hominy

Golden hominy


1 small jar of pimientos
1 red bellpepper, diced

1 yellow bellpepper, diced
1 orange bellpepper, diced

2 green onions, diced


1 cup of extra virgin olive oil
1 cup of apple cider vinegar

1/2 cup of sugar

pepper to taste

**I'm going to educate you. Apparently some people don't know what hominy is. Hominy is corn. Corn that has been processed to remove the hull and the germ. It looks fluffy. No, it's not mushy. It's just really neat, and I like it. If you don't want to use hominy, you can use regular corn. But try the hominy. You can find it in the aisle at the store where you'd find corn. It's right next to the corn. It stands out like a super model standing next to the third shift cashier at Wal-mart. Just try the hominy.**

First, put the olive oil and apple cider vinegar into a saucepan.

How pretty is that?

Add the sugar and pepper.

Stir over medium heat until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Turn the burner off and remove from heat. Set aside and let cool for however long it takes you to put the other stuff together.

Drain and rinse the beans and hominy. I used a strainer. I don't know how else you'd do it. Rinse them until all of those bubbles go away. Put the beans and hominy in a giant bowl. Put the pimientos in there too. Chop the bellpeppers if you haven't already. Chop the onion too. Make sure everything is the same size, about the size of a piece of hominy, or slightly smaller. Look at the hominy if you are confused. Put those in the bowl with the beans and everything else.

Pour your apple cider vinegar/olive oil mixture over the pretty stuff in the bowl. Mix it together. Cover with plastic wrap. Refrigerate overnight. Seriously, do this. It tastes so much better the next day.

The next day (or 30 minutes after, if you're impatient and don't want to listen to me), pour everything into a strainer and discard the liquid. Put your pretty bean mixture into a container with a good lid.

Eat this with chips. I like those Frito scoops. Or eat it by itself. It's fricken good.


I thought I was going to have to make this entry a long one. But I decided against it. I'll just have more than one entry in the same day. You can't put everything under one entry, especially if the things you want to talk about aren't related. At all.

Just a warning. I haven't had much time over the past few days, so now I'm going to try and catch up. I am hoping it's not as much of a failure as say, trying to catch up on exercise. Giving yourself a goal of walking 3 hours a week is an easily attainable goal. But when the end of the week comes around and you haven't done any of it, it's kind of ridiculous to go and walk for three hours and expect to reap the same benefits (or even expect to actually do it). This kind of thing only worked ONCE for me, and I'd never recommend it, because the aftershock resulted in...well...I wasn't happy. I remember when I had a certain amount of weight I wanted to lose for my wedding. When I made the decision, I had a good year and a half to lose 40 pounds, and that's totally doable in that amount of time. With that mindset, I allowed myself way too much room for cheating. All of a sudden, it was 6 months until my wedding and I had actually gained 8 pounds. Seriously? I had also purchased a dress that was two sizes too small because I figured I'd fit it by the time I needed to (also something that I do not recommend). At the very last minute, I didn't just low-carb it. I no-carbed it. I ate nothing but deviled eggs and deli meat and leaf lettuce for several weeks. I did lose the weight and I fit into my dress. But I don't think anyone liked my personality. I also wouldn't recommend this. I've gained the weight back, plus more. I'm the poster child for what happens to crash dieters. I'd really like to not look like a cow. I don't need to be skinny, but I really would like my curves to actually be curves and not fat rolls. Sometimes I feel as though I look like a cheeseburger. Nobody has told me that though.

Another thing - you need to click on the pictures to get the full effect. They are pretty amazing, and I'm proud to say that I took [most] of them.

So, back to my objective. First, I'd like to talk about the recent flood of 2010. As I mentioned briefly a few days back, we had a lot of rain. So much in fact, that a town south of me was completely flooded out and evacuated. I posted a picture. I was honestly amazed and I wanted to see more. I wanted to see it in person. It would have been stupid to drive to Arcadia, so I drove to Strum instead. Strum is about 20 miles south of here. Arcadia is further down. Strum was quite neat. Here are some pictures of the tiny park they have, all flooded and waterlogged. We had a picnic here once.

Here are some pictures from my town, the very next day. This is Owen Park, down by the university. It's also where my husband and I had wedding pictures taken. Pretty fantastic.

Who knew that tennis was also a water sport? I didn't take this particular picture, by the way.

This is no duck pond. It's supposed to be a parking lot. For cars - not ducks. On this day, the ducks had taken over. It was like a duck apocalypse.

Here is Phoenix Park, not too far down on the other side of the river. This is the amphitheater, where my BFF got married. Now it's a harbor! Well, on this day it was. I imagine it is back to normal again. I also didn't take these next few pictures.

Here is what it's supposed to look like:

And here's what it looked like on Sunday:

You'll be surprised to know that this isn't actually a boat landing.

This tunnel is one you are supposed to walk through, or ride your bike.

The Chippewa River Trail is actually a bike path, not a canoe route.

And can you believe that a cop actually gave this car a ticket?

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Today is nice outside. Despite that, I have stayed indoors because I've been tired all day and have no energy. My parents made a surprise visit and I was excited. They had the dog with them. I don't mind when the dog visits. He's a great dog. The problem today though was that they probably shouldn't have brought him over. He seemed a bit confused. I think he may have just gotten done with a run at the dog park. So they show up with him, and within 30 seconds he stupidly walks into my screen door. The screen rips. I got mad at him because we just had the screen replaced. I also can't afford to be paying for my landlord to fix things that are damaged due to "my fault" and not the fault of the prior tenants. So naturally I was mad about that and expressed my displeasure with what just happened and the fact that I now would have to pay for them to fix the stupid screen.

My parents reacted the way that anyone would absolutely hate. They guilt-tripped me by saying, "Fine, we'll just leave, we've ruined your day." Okay - NOW you've upset me. I wasn't even upset with them until they acted like martyrs. Seriously. I really wanted them to stay and visit but because their dog broke my door and I got upset, they decided to somehow twist the situation around and make me feel guilty and leave immediately. Now all I have is a broken screen door and a bunch of water on the floor from where the dog made a mess by slopping around in the cat's water bowl. I'm angry at them now for behaving that way. I don't know what the hell that was supposed to accomplish. Oh, and they won't answer their phones either.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


I love rain. LOVE it. If it were cold and rainy all of the time I would be okay with that. Now, this doesn't mean that I don't like sunlight. I enjoy a nice sunny day. But a gray chilly rainy day is nice. It's relaxing. It cleans the air. And I think it's pretty. This has nothing to do with Twilight either. Yes, I like the books. Yes, I really love Edward Cullen but I know he isn't real. I liked rain before that. And just because I want to live on the Olympic Peninsula doesn't mean I'm some sort of freak. I just really really like rain.

I really like Fall actually. I haven't gone driving to take pictures of the leaves yet because they haven't changed much yet. But I will, and you will see my pictures. Love it.

So, it has rained a lot today. It has rained a lot over the last couple of days actually. It has rained so much in fact, that several towns in the area have been evacuated due to the flooding. One such town is Arcadia.

I personally don't care much for Arcadia. It's a dinky little down with nothing but Ashley Furniture and Gold 'n' Plump. I don't own any furniture from Ashley. And I don't buy chicken from factories. I hear the town was evacuated though. I have these images in my head of chickens and living room furniture floating by. Some of that furniture has chickens on it. Or chickens swimming.

That's all I have. This is what it apparently looks like right now though.

Sad. That should be a mess for a while. Don't live near a river.

We don't have much food in the house. I haven't had the ambition (or money, actually) to go shopping. Tonight I scrounged my cupboards for stuff to throw together. I should have just made a box of Kraft Cheese & Macaroni, but I wanted to be creative. Literally, I threw things together. I made some polenta and put it in a casserole dish. I topped it with black beans and enchilada sauce and cheese and put it in the oven. It sounds gross. I haven't tried it yet. I'm afraid to. My husband said he'd eat it. I told him he had a choice, and that choice was to eat it or not eat it and I could make him something else. Like pasta with pesto. He said that he'd eat it though. I don't know what the results will be.

OH! Another thing I like about Fall are the TV shows. I am super pumped about The Office season premiere tonight. I'm also excited about Dexter starting up again on Sunday.

I'm also excited about pumpkins and hot cocoa and apple orchards and baking. Lots of baking. My blog will be filled with fun baking times very soon. Joy!

Monday, September 20, 2010

I spy...

1.) An empty Schweppe's gingerale bottle
2.) A pair of men's combat boots
3.) A military hat
4.) A Sony Handycam
5.) A Coach sunglasses case
6.) A Bible
7.) The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner - a novella
8.) A lease agreement
9.) Some eyeshadow
10.) A receipt from Michael's
11.) A Bon Appetit magazine
12.) The greatest pair of thigh high socks EVER!!

I really just wanted to show off my awesome socks that I rediscovered since the weather finally cooled off. I love Fall.

Yes, my legs are FAT. I didn't ask to be judged.

Third Life Crisis

It has been one month and three days since I lost the baby. But who's counting anyway?

In all seriousness though, I've been doing a lot of thinking. I've noticed that things tend to happen when you don't expect them to. So does this mean if you lower your expectations then maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised? Maybe, but maybe that's not the right way to explain it. I think if I can get to a point where I stop dwelling on it and counting the days and questioning everything, then I can just be happy and I'll get pregnant again. I don't even know if this is necessarily about having a baby anymore. Obviously that's part of it, but I'm starting to think that another part of it is that I'm trying to meet some imaginary expectation that I've assumed is there.

To be perfectly honest, it's not that I didn't want kids - but it wasn't a priority. Then I got pregnant, and everything changed. I think that I was just so excited about this new and exciting change in our life that I jumped right into it head first and never looked back. I think that a motherly instinct exists in a woman too. The minute you find out you are pregnant, [most] women change everything about the way they approach their lives. I was no different. Then when that was all ripped away, I was confused and not sure what to do with myself.

After doing yet some more thinking, I looked around at my surroundings and my friends, and realized something else. Firstly, my parents' generation did everything earlier. By the time my parents were my age, they had already had their second child and had purchased a home. How can I possibly compete with that? My husband and I are renting, he's in school, I'm in my first 'real' job out of college, and there's no guarantee that this will last forever since I'm not even considered a permanent employee. After doing a quick mental inventory, I realized that my two best friends are expecting babies (one of them being on her second child already), my favorite coworker is expecting a baby when I was set to have my baby, and all of my other friends have kids.

I think I'm putting too much pressure on myself. I think I need to stop worrying about it. Just because these people have kids doesn't mean that their lives are perfect. I'm sure that they can think of one or two things they aren't satisfied with. Having a baby would be wonderful. But having a baby is not going to dictate whether I'm happy. I can be happy without having a baby.

I would like nothing more than for my body to get back to normal. It's weird that I still haven't had a period yet. Then again, it's only late by a few days. Not even a week. My friend told me to take a pregnancy test last week. I didn't want to because I only had one left and I didn't want to waste it. She said that if I took the test and it was negative, she'd buy me some more. It was negative, and she bought me some more. I came home to find that this was left on my door step earlier in the day:

Not just one pregnancy test, but THREE, along with some awesome Michael Graves prep bowls. She knows I love baking and cooking, and now I can be like the people on the Food Network and have all of my ingredients measured out in their own individual bowls!! I'm beyond excited, and I had to take several pictures of my prizes. Yay for good friends!! :) I am wondering if my husband knew what they were for. He said he thought they were baby dishes. I think he secretly thought I was going to pee in them. I asked him to buy some paper dixie cups for me to pee in for when I took a pregnancy test because it's much easier to pee in a cup than to pee directly on a stick. But no - these bowls will not be used for that. They will be used to measure out spices and chopped vegetables. And cheese. Goodness. I'm so happy about them, here are some more pictures so you can get the full effect of their greatness. Can I just mention one thing though...? On the pregnancy test - click on that first picture. Notice how it says "Free inside! Fertility test for women!" As opposed to a fertility test for Really?


That's not a real apple.

Friday, September 17, 2010


There's nothing worse than being sick, except for being sick and being at work. That's why I left early yesterday. But then I made myself go in today, partly because I didn't want to use too much sick time, and partly because my case load is out of control.

Okay, mostly because my case load is out of control.

It started out as a dry scratchy throat. Then it progressed into a sore throat. Now my throat is fine but my face hurts. Yes. My face. Hurts. I'm stuffed up and can barely breathe. I'm loopy if I'm on cold medicine. I'm loopy if I'm off cold medicine because my equilibrium is off and it makes me dizzy...and the congestion is most likely hindering the oxygen supply to my brain. I tried to stay away from people today. I made a feeble attempt at a phone call and that was a mistake. I could barely comprehend the woman. I am guessing it's not her, it's me. Normally I blame the person on the other end but this time, it's quite possible that I just can't connect the dots today. My head hurts too. My head actually feels like it's going to explode. I mentioned that on Facebook and someone made a joke. It wasn't funny. I expressed my displeasure. He said that laughter is the best medicine when you are sick. Har har, we have a comedian. Thanks dude, thanks for the insight. Truth be told, laughter is NOT the best medicine when you have a splitting headache. Know what is though? Pounding your face in!!

My husband is in the military and is going to be gone this weekend for training. He is currently packing. He'll be back on Sunday night. I am trying not to loathe him for leaving me alone all weekend, sick and weak, in my puddle of misery. I think he'd much rather stay with me though. I can't blame him. I just wish he wasn't leaving this weekend. I need someone to take care of me. I can't take care of myself when I am sick. I am going to starve to death, and most likely soil myself.

I was kidding. I won't starve to death.

This weekend will be spent in my pajamas parked in the futon in front of the television watching shows on demand that he wouldn't watch with me. Like, 'Say Yes to the Dress' or 'Top Chef.' Doubt I'll cook anything, unless heating up a can of Progresso Chicken Noodle soup counts. I have a box of chocolate Malt-o-Meal. And I do have a couple boxes of Kraft Cheese & Macaroni. Yep - I know what I'll be eating. I haven't eaten that since I found out I was pregnant. I couldn't justify eating it otherwise. Now I have another excuse. I'm sick. You can only eat that shit when you're sick or pregnant.

I'm off to find some cough syrup with codeine and wallow in my own self-pity. Have a great Friday night.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Didn't I just get done saying that I was going to try and stay on top of this? I can't keep promises. So I try not to make them. I don't think I promised. I think it was all in my head.

Especially lately, I have trouble keeping my word in terms of things unimportant. For example, if I say, "Oh, definitely I'll post like every other day," it probably won't happen. I think I've always been like that to a degree. Like that one year when I bought a diary (before blogging was an option). The first day, January 1st, 2005: "Dear Diary, I promise to write in you every single day!" The next entry was October 15th: "Sorry."

It has been exactly one month and one day since my miscarriage. And I haven't gotten my period. Naturally, wishful thinking sets in. "OH!! I must be pregnant again." Not just for me either. I think my friends are sort of rooting for me as well. I peed on a stick today. No such luck. That's okay. Come to think of it, my period hasn't ever really been on the dot regular. Damn. I wasted another pregnancy test, and now I don't have anymore. Now I have to wait until at least payday because we're kind of broke. Oh well. Finding out 10 minutes ago that I am not currently pregnant, I went ahead and took the cold medicine I have been looking at longingly for the past 3 hours. I feel like crap. It started yesterday with a dry scratchy throat which made me cough. Today it's sore, swollen slightly, and more coughing. I took some codeine cough syrup last night along with some generic Nyquil. It didn't help. All it did was make me feel like I had downed 2 martinis when I woke up in the morning and as a result I had to ask my husband to drive me to work.

My cat makes out with her bed. I can't explain it. She purrs and kneads the cushion and licks the side of it when she gets ready to bed down for the night. What kind of cat sleeps at night? She does. She sleeps during the day too. She's getting fat.

I think football is stupid. I guess I have nothing against it personally, but I just don't care. My husband watches it, but not religiously. He's not going to die if he has to miss it and he doesn't expect me to make food for him while he watches it. That's nice. To show my appreciation for his lack of expectations, I do take it upon myself to make him a snack once in a while. This past Sunday I made him some Buffalo Chicken Dip. It was good. Even for me, being a vegetarian, I thought it was good. It was kind of spicy and gave me heartburn the next day though. I tried to convince myself that the heartburn was an early pregnancy sign, but after peeing on a stick, I now know that's most likely not the case. In any case, you should make this. It's really good. But if you get heartburn the next day, just know it's most likely due to the dip, and not that you're pregnant. Especially if you're a guy. I don't want you to worry now.

You'll need a few things.

1 cup of hot sauce
1 cup of ranch dressing
1 package of cream cheese
1 package of crumbled bleu cheese
2 large chicken breasts (whole ones, not just the halves)

First off, I didn't use chicken breasts. I bought a package of chicken tenderloin pieces, and it was about 1lb total. Secondly, I used Frank's Red Hot. It's the best kind. I also used the whole bottle. I also bought the Amish bleu cheese, because it had a horse & buggy on the package. I did buy generic cream cheese though. Please do not judge me.

Pre-heat the oven to 375 degrees. Place some parchment paper onto a cookie sheet (or a pizza pan, like I did). Unless you want your chicken to stick to the pan, which I didn't. I did this because I didn't want to use any oil to prevent sticking. Put some ground pepper on the raw chicken. Bake in a pre-heated oven for 20 minutes. Remove from oven, and use a fork to shred the chicken while it's still hot and easy to shred. Like this.

You can be like me and drop the camera while you are trying to take a picture of it, making a huge scary noise which causes your husband to run up the stairs with a concerned look on his face, like this.

Temporary side-note... prior to embarking on this journey to make the dip, I had purchased some fall leaf garland to hang above my cabinets. I was standing on a chair, and having a difficult time doing it. He thought that I fell.

After you have it all shredded and you have assured your husband that you are okay (and that the camera isn't broken), you can set the chicken aside and move on with your life and proceed to finish making the dip.

In a microwavable bowl, heat the cream cheese so that it's soft and creamy and not a hard block. Once this is softened (I don't know how it for 30 seconds at a time until you are happy), transfer it to a large microwavable bowl which will be big enough to hold everything.

Add the chicken, ranch dressing, and hot sauce. Cover it and microwave it for a minute at a time, stirring in between each time, until it's all melted and heated through. This is a hot dip, by the way. Once everything is nice and mixed together, add the container of bleu cheese and mix again.

That's it. See, even a man can make this. Eat it with chips. I bought those blue corn chips and they were super good. Voila.