Thursday, September 23, 2010


I love rain. LOVE it. If it were cold and rainy all of the time I would be okay with that. Now, this doesn't mean that I don't like sunlight. I enjoy a nice sunny day. But a gray chilly rainy day is nice. It's relaxing. It cleans the air. And I think it's pretty. This has nothing to do with Twilight either. Yes, I like the books. Yes, I really love Edward Cullen but I know he isn't real. I liked rain before that. And just because I want to live on the Olympic Peninsula doesn't mean I'm some sort of freak. I just really really like rain.

I really like Fall actually. I haven't gone driving to take pictures of the leaves yet because they haven't changed much yet. But I will, and you will see my pictures. Love it.

So, it has rained a lot today. It has rained a lot over the last couple of days actually. It has rained so much in fact, that several towns in the area have been evacuated due to the flooding. One such town is Arcadia.

I personally don't care much for Arcadia. It's a dinky little down with nothing but Ashley Furniture and Gold 'n' Plump. I don't own any furniture from Ashley. And I don't buy chicken from factories. I hear the town was evacuated though. I have these images in my head of chickens and living room furniture floating by. Some of that furniture has chickens on it. Or chickens swimming.

That's all I have. This is what it apparently looks like right now though.

Sad. That should be a mess for a while. Don't live near a river.

We don't have much food in the house. I haven't had the ambition (or money, actually) to go shopping. Tonight I scrounged my cupboards for stuff to throw together. I should have just made a box of Kraft Cheese & Macaroni, but I wanted to be creative. Literally, I threw things together. I made some polenta and put it in a casserole dish. I topped it with black beans and enchilada sauce and cheese and put it in the oven. It sounds gross. I haven't tried it yet. I'm afraid to. My husband said he'd eat it. I told him he had a choice, and that choice was to eat it or not eat it and I could make him something else. Like pasta with pesto. He said that he'd eat it though. I don't know what the results will be.

OH! Another thing I like about Fall are the TV shows. I am super pumped about The Office season premiere tonight. I'm also excited about Dexter starting up again on Sunday.

I'm also excited about pumpkins and hot cocoa and apple orchards and baking. Lots of baking. My blog will be filled with fun baking times very soon. Joy!

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