Saturday, August 14, 2010

Headaches and Naps

Last night I went to bed with a bad headache. I think part of it is that I'm not drinking enough water and part of it is that I am not getting enough sleep. I'm trying to drink enough water - but it's hot out. So I'm hot all the time, and I have to drink more than normal, and I just can't. I will feel so bad if my kid has some weird deformity due to my lack of water. Like no face or ears.

I was craving Taco Bell tonight. I normally don't crave anything that bad, and I tried to ignore it. I was actually craving a cheese quesadilla from there a couple of days ago. I ignored it and opted to make my own healthy quesadilla at home rather than eating junk. It was actually really good:

Yummy Quesadilla. Healthy.

Red Bellpepper, julienned
Button Mushrooms, sliced
Organic Black Beans, canned (drained)
Organic Fresh Baby Spinach
Monterey Jack Cheese, shredded
Organic Flour Tortillas

Put some of each ingredient on one side of a tortilla. Fold in half, place in a non-stick skillet and brown on both sides. Eat with sour cream. Yum. :)

So I made that and actually ate it two days in a row, but my Taco Bell craving still didn't go away. I broke down tonight and asked my husband to take me over there. He did, and now the craving is gone. Good.

Another thing that I have been craving off and on is avocado. Good thing is, that's actually good for you. Maybe not the way I eat it, but there's still some benefit. We have these small Roma tomatoes that we're growing in a large pot on our patio. I ate those too:

Yummy Avocado Sandwich

Two slices of bread (go for healthy bread if you don't want to feel too guilty afterward)
Cream cheese
Mayonnaise (I never said this was healthy)
Roma Tomato, sliced
1/2 Ripe Avocado, sliced
Fresh Organic Baby Spinach

On one slice of bread, spread a small amount of mayonnaise. Place a few spinach leaves on top. On the other slice, spread some cream cheese. Place sliced tomatoes on top, and then sliced avocado. Then put the sandwich together and eat it. For breakfast. At 4am. While you check Facebook. YUM.

In any case, I still had a headache this morning. But I went to church as planned, and then went and visited a friend of mine in the hospital. She had a scheduled c-section yesterday so I got to meet her dinosaur. Cute little baby girl. :)

Afterward, I came home, and the heat had exacerbated my headache by this time, so I decided to take a nap. I hate that I can't take ibuprofen. I'm not taking any medication, even though Tylenol is safe, supposedly. I'd rather just stay away from all of it. So, I put an ice pack on my head and slept for 5 and a half hours. I'm still impressed by that. And I'm still tired. I read that during the first trimester, your body is using all of its resources to build the baby, leaving you exhausted. Apparently, while at rest, I am actually working harder than an athlete competing in some event. Yet I'm still gaining weight. And it's normal. I'm so confused.

And I would like some icecream.

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