Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I apologize for not saying much lately. Honestly, I've been really tired and haven't been inspired to say a whole lot. But nonetheless, I figured I had better come up with something.

A few days ago, Fred screamed into my ear. Like right into my ear. My ear was ringing for a couple of hours. Now, and since then, my left ear sounds like it's under water or something. If that makes sense. I'm really getting annoyed because I can't hear very well. It isn't good.

I've been drinking a lot of rootbeer lately. Rootbeer and chocolate. And eating burgers. It's a vicious cycle.

Here are a few interesting search keywords that people have used and stumbled upon my blog lately. Haha!
  • femullet
  • what consistency for italian meringue for icing cupcakes
  • why would lemonade that taste like glue
  • dinosaur ultrasound
  • boobs compare with coconut
  • coconut made breasts bigger
  • dreams about a friend cleaning up my poop
  • old people who ate coconut
  • my butt goes numb when i spin bike?
  • bike spinning and migraine
I'm learning that a lot of people like to search for things involving boobs and coconut together, and that kind of disturbs me. Freaks.

Husband has a night class tonight, so I'm stuck by myself. It's okay though, because I have the American Idol auditions. You know, it isn't as funny as it used to be. Either that, or I'm just totally over it. I don't even know why I watch it.

Oh wait, yes I do. So I can see things like this:

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