Monday, June 27, 2011


It's pretty much all done. Just have to hang up her curtains. Being home on modified bed rest has at least allowed me to somewhat participate in getting her nursery done. Husband did most of the work and my mom and dad came over this past weekend to help finish up. I just sat there and told everyone where I wanted stuff and it worked out nicely. It's so cute. Here are some pictures.

I've been feeling alright yesterday. I went against protocol yesterday and was gone for majority of the day. We went to visit Husband's parents and then went to my coworker's farm (where I'm also a CSA member) because I heard she had cute baby pigs and I wanted to see them. It was a really hot day and I spent way too much time not laying down. I started to feel pretty nauseous by the end of the day and was having awful "practice" contractions. I had to go home and I went straight to bed. Today is much better, probably because I've been off of my feet and it's breezy and cool outside.

I set up appointments to tour some daycare facilities in the area. It kills me that I'm going to have to put Sofie in daycare, but I have no choice. I can't quit my job and both Husband and I are working full time. I just have to get over it. I'm sure it will all work out and wherever we end up having her go will be a nice place with nice people to take good care of her. People put their kids in daycare all the time and as long as the parents are actively involved and keeping up on things, it all turns out just fine. I'm sure our situation won't be any different.

That's all for right now. I'm not feeling well - so I guess I'll get back to my bed where I spend 90% of my time. :)

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