Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Know what's funny? Text-to-landline messages. If you have Sprint, you have this feature. Send a text message to a landline phone and you'll understand. My favorite thing was yesterday when I saw my husband calling me at work. I picked up the phone expecting to hear his voice. Instead, I heard a robot lady voice saying: "Hello. I am a robot. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Pork sword!!" The whole 'pork sword' thing is a joke between Husband and I. Anyway, it was really funny, plus it was at 7:30 in the morning and I wasn't prepared, and I died. Hilarious.

Today marks the halfway point in my pregnancy! Yay! Only 18-20 more weeks before we get to meet Sofie-pie. Love love love her. She's the length of a banana this week. But I still can't really feel her kicks. I read something today that said she is being lulled to sleep during the day by me moving around. That explains why I can sort of feel things when I'm laying in bed at night. Even then though, it's not very noticeable. My friends say it's great once you start to feel the good kicks, but at the same time, it keeps you up at night. Well, that's okay with me. I hope that starts soon. Husband could feel her the other night when I was sound asleep. That's unfair. He should have woken me up so that I could feel her too.

Is it just me, or are Girl Scout Tagalong cookies thinner than they used to be?? I still like them, but they seem thinner. Maybe that's a good thing.


  1. LOL you hope its only another 18-20 weeks and that you dont go over!!! LOL
