Saturday, January 8, 2011

search keywords

This has to be mentioned. I can't stop laughing.

I was looking at my blogger stats. It tells me all kinds of stuff...aside from how many people view my blog, how many times each post is looked at, where the traffic originated from (like, Facebook, etc.), what country my readers are from...and of course, "search keywords," as in, what people have typed in a search engine which led them to my page. Some of these things are hilarious, and I don't know how it was linked to my page. Then again, a lot of things don't make sense. Enjoy.

"lobster's closest relative"
"michael graves prep bowls"
"thigh high socks"
baby bunting knitting pattern
baby kitten bread
do cats hold grudges?
hi pumpkin
how do i know what tension is on my spinning bike?
if moss is on outside of pineapple
is it possible for amniotic sac to be intact at miscarriage <---(this one made me sad). :(
lemonade cupcakes with lemon cake mix
mostly organic blog
nick toon
roaring 20s eyeshadow

and my favorite....

suspect coworker pregnant, to ask or not

I think I'll check these periodically and post them for your (or my own) enjoyment.

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