Friday, November 12, 2010


I don't feel good.

The past week was a good week; however, each day (starting on Monday), I have felt progressively worse. Like I have the flu, only it comes on really mild and barely there and gets a little worse each day. I haven't had a fever or anything though.

It started out as fatigue. Just a bit tired. Then the next day I was more tired, so I went to bed extra early. I was even MORE tired when I woke up on Wednesday, so I went to bed even earlier on Thursday night. Seriously, before 8:30pm. Then this morning (Friday) I woke up after 10 hours of sleep and felt like I only slept 3 hours. To be fair, I did wake up in the middle of the night to go pee, and then I couldn't fall back asleep, but had some nausea. I woke up to go to work, forced myself to go to work, and felt worse as the day went on. Now (I really should be in bed), I seriously feel like I'm going to throw up. But I know I won't. I don't think I'm quite 'there' yet. I feel like I have a horrible case of motion sickness. Oh, and I started having dizzy spells on Thursday. I have no idea what is happening to me. But I have no body aches and no fever and nothing else, so I don't even know what I'd tell the doctor if I went to the doctor.

This is putting a serious damper on Operation Bikini. I didn't go to the gym today. I think if I had gone to the gym, I would have thrown up on a machine, or a person.

Speaking of throwing up.....some man who works in my office who I don't really know puked in the hallway a couple of weeks ago. Not even kidding. He barfed in the lobby, then he sort of gathered himself together and went back and sat at his desk. No drink of water, no stick of gum, and no bothering to clean up his vomit. After talking with some colleagues, this same person apparently does calisthenics in the men's restroom and was also seen doing pushups in the basement. I can't talk about this anymore.

I do NOT feel well. At ALL. And I can't eat crackers to settle my stomach because I am allergic to gluten. I also have no ginger ale. Life is broken.

Well, at least if I end up puking, I will get to do it in a brand new toilet.

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